
Michelle Wilson
6 min readNov 2, 2020
(This is a work of dark fiction with a little dark, satire-type humor.)

Millions flee the United States, fearing for their lives after Trump “makes America great again” by nuclear bombing the heart of the country in a fit of petulant tantrum. (Read part one here.) Refugees form unruly lines around airports, train, and bus stations. All rental cars have been either rented out or stolen. Car dealership lots are empty; no one is moving on the jam-packed roads. Cruise ships are all out at sea. Planes are taking off, overcrowded with excess passengers standing in the aisles. Everyone is going anywhere that is not the USA.

The air is now dangerous to breathe on the surface. It is thick with the smells of ozone and death. Acrid, acidic odors permeate everything, and the daytime sky is always a bleak, dark, gray. Deadly radiation permeates the atmosphere, poisoning water, crops, animals, and humans. Rivers and lakes are filled with the rubble of ruined civilization and the sludge of dead, rotting creatures. Masses of human remains float in the water’s persistent currents, tangled in each other and in debris, like flotsam.

Trump halts all egress from the country. In the midst of all the confusion, he declares himself King. His White House sycophants gather in the Great Room to kneel in his presence, bowing their heads to the floor in worship. Those in the White House who are just plain terrified follow suit, for fear of the King’s wrath if they do not.

70% of United States citizens have attempted to flee, but it is now too late for those left behind. All transportation out of the US has been forbidden, by order of King Trump.

The Bunker

Unknown stories beneath the earth, Trump joins the rich and well-connected in a city of riches created long ago for just this type of circumstance. The city features buildings of marble embossed with gold lettering and highlights, heated streets, and sidewalks implanted with sparkling gems. An artificial sun and simulated sky provide controlled day and night. The best shops and restaurants in the world are featured among lavish gardens, parks, ponds, and lakes. The air is clean and pure down here. All manufacturing is done Above. All transports are luxury electronic conveyances. The city glows like a beacon to heaven.

Sitting alone at a table overburdened with delicacies from around the world, Trump munches on french fries and meat loaf, prepared by his new personal chef, Fatz B. Goode, provider of the world’s most fattening and unhealthy cuisine. Along with this, Trump drinks his favorite drink, “covfefe.” No one knows what that really is.

King Trump belches explosively as he leaves the table to go greet his supplicants for the morning worship. He is the vainest of the vain and cannot leave without looking at himself in the mirror for a touch-up. His large, tailor-made suit tries to hide his obesity. It’s only moderately successful. He turns this way and that, simulating poses for the cameras. As he bends over to inspect his shoes, his normally crispy, crunchy hair flops down over his face. With an abundant use of expletives, he swats the hair back onto his head, adjusts the Velcro that should hold it in place, and sprays it with more crispy juice to tame it in place once more.

Trump acolytes gather for Morning Adoration & Adulation. Together they pray aloud, “King Trump is all powerful, all knowing, all seeing. King Trump is Tremendous. King Trump is Terrific. King Trump is Phenomenal. King Trump is Amazing. King Trump is our genius and our savior. All will bow and kneel or cringe before him. All will praise and worship him. Forever and Forever.”

Now fully inflated and affirmed, Trump calls for a press conference that excludes all members of the press except Faux News. There will be no questions. Only edicts.

King Trump Speaks

“As of this moment, I will be referred to as King Trump. Your King. The new country will be called Trumperica. The Congress and Senate are now disbanded. Those who love and agree with me in those positions will become my advisors. Those who do not pledge strict loyalty and devotion to me will be banished to live in the Above (also known as Despairica), among the poor and destitute. Anyone Above who is not poor and not destitute will be made poor and destitute immediately, due to the Excess Tax. The Excess Tax states that anyone living above poverty level in Despairica must submit everything in excess of impoverishment standards to me. Any person who disagrees with or criticizes me will be executed.

The area where the treasonous souls tried to escape to Mexico but could not breach my Wall will be called Mexican’t. I will build an additional wall around them to prevent the traitors from sneaking back into the Kingdom. They shall live in squalor and desperation in the Above, stuck between Mexico and Despairica.

All who managed to escape the country (especially those who went to Canada and are allowed free healthcare) are now accused of treason and will be punished accordingly, should they return. Those stuck in Mexican’t will serve as examples for the King’s wrath. Those who escaped to Canada are considered dead to us and will be rendered dead to everyone should they return.

Except for slaves, no Black, Brown, Asian, Indian, Muslim, or Jewish people are allowed to live in this bastion of riches, Trumperica. Only the whitest of whites are allowed. Extreme white racists of all types are welcomed because they are good people.”

“Now,” says Trump. “To make sure we are never disturbed here, I introduce my new army.”

Six large, robotic dogs stomp onto the stage. They are a sight so frightful that the crowd gasps in fear. The robots move so smoothly and simultaneously that it seems surreal. The dogs flank Trump — three on each side — standing tall and menacing.

“There will be hundreds of these deployed to maintain our safety in this underground oasis,” says Trump. They have virtually unlimited range, gun racks, stunners, scanners, and can reach speeds up to 80 miles per hour. I tell ya, you don’t want one of these chasing after you. No sir. Look at them. Aren’t they beautiful? Aren’t they just lovely? They’re perfect!”

Free Food

Though starving, dying, and covered with grunge, Trump supporters above, in Despairica watch — mesmerized by the king’s image — and shout, “Hail King Trump, our Master and Savior.” Trump smiles the ear-to-ear smile of a predatory snake.

Some people manage to exist in relative safety on the fringes of the Above, but they are still in danger. Once every 6 months, some of the rich in Trumperica gather to hunt and kill those in Despairica and Mexican’t. This is called Freetime — a popular sport for them.

The dead are reduced and mixed with leftover Cheetos dust and soy, then processed into dry wafers called Soylent Orange. That is fed to the starving masses in the interior parts of Despairica who have no crops and no animals to hunt.

Trump supporters shout, “Look! He’s giving you free food. What more could you want? Stop your whining.”

This is only the beginning. Soon, the Despairicans will be forced to fight to the death for a chance to win a month of real food for their families. Some Trumpericans will hunt those in the Above at any time they choose. They will collect trophies from their kills. Though they are disobeying the rules, they call this Freedom. Those in the Above will have no healthcare and a new virus will decimate them.

Death of a Country

This is just a peek into the story of a country, once powerful, proud, great, and wealthy, that gave one man the power to act as a dictator. They let him sow and fertilize hatred, racism, divisiveness, and plain evil among the most loudly querulous souls of the nation. They ignored the popular vote of the moderate majority of the population in favor of an “Electoral College.” That country is now so debilitated that even Russia is no longer interested in it.

Don’t let this happen to you.

